Friday, October 14, 2005

more about cars and driving

I think I'm on a bit of a roll with this topic but had to post one last
observation. I am constantly surprised and disturbed about the way some
people drive. Especially when they have kids in the car. All for the
sake of getting somewhere 5 seconds quicker. So today I'm driving to
pick up Loll from school. We live in a suburb that used to be a rural
area but is now becoming McMansion heaven. One of the fairly heavily
used roads has a quaint old one lane bridge which means that you have
to wait your turn to cross. (there's a sign NO PASSING ON BRIDGE which
is pretty redundant as it's so skinny that you couldn't possibly pass
anyone). Generally what happens is that you let about 5-8 cars pass and
then you go. It mostly works well. However today I stopped and waited
for about 5 cars to pass and then when the coast was clear I started to
head onto the bridge when this bitch in a Grand Voyager comes screaming
down the hill and looks like she is going to come onto the bridge so I
stop and sure enough she hurtles across. Bitch. If I hadn't stopped she
would have hit me. It pissed me off because she was rude and she had
kids in her car and was driving like a dickhead. God I hate dickhead