Saturday, April 15, 2006

Places a Scorpio should visit

Here is a list that found one day listing all the places that a Scorpio should visit and which ones I've visited are in italics:

* Baltimore
* Cincinnati
* Dover
* Fez
* Hull
* Halifax
* Liverpool
* Milwaukee
* Newcastle-upon-Tyne
* New Orleans
* Stockport
* Washington DC
* Bavaria
* Korea
* Morocco
* Norway
* Poland
* Transvaal
* Uruguay

I have no idea where I found this list and why those places were chosen. Should I feel compelled to visit them? What happens if I don't?

My head hurts.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Great Blogging Debacle

So it seems like the Great Blogging Debacle of 2006 is settling down. Lots of bitchiness, hurt feelings, threats and general high and mightiness. If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's not worth knowing.

The one thing that pissed me off about the whole drama was the way that some bloggers kept referring to commenters who "kiss ass" or as "groupies". They show a lack of respect for their audience and treat commenters as if they are all brain-dead wannabes. And yet these same bloggers obviously love having an audience and keep their comments open. You can't have it both ways so my one message to them would be to show some respect to their readers, or they will find that the readers will dump them.