Why do dickheads drive Commodores?
This is a question that has been gnawing away at me lately. In the media and in conversation we always seem to hear derogatory comments about soccer mums or the Balmain set driving their Prados around like they own the streets. Granted, there's nothing I hate more than some big 4WD bearing down on me as I drive to school or parked next to me at the shopping centre so I can't see around them. But what about the dickheads in big V8 Commodores or Ford Falcons??!!I swear that around here every middle aged bloke seems to drive one and of course you can't stick to the speed limit - you have to drive right up someone's arse. They look so menacing with their sloped bonnets and shiny badges. They all think they are Peter Brock or something. To me they are just a middle age crisis wrapped in metallic paint and tinted windows.
And then there are the tradies in their ubiquitous white utes. There are a lot of construction sites around where I live and every day dozens of tradies tear around the corner of our quiet suburban street. I'm surprised that they haven't taken out a kid on a bike or some poor dog. If they aren't driving like dickheads (particularly at 3pm knock-off time which just happens to coincide with school pick-up - what a great combination on our roads, soccer mums in Prados, dickhead salesmen in their V8s and tradies in utes!!) then they are parked at a building site with some crappy radio station blaring out music.
Finally we have the garbage truck drivers who use our neighbouhood as some sort of test-track. Recently the council sent everyone in our street a letter slapping our wrists for placing our bins on the street and not the (non-existent) footpaths. And yet I've seen the garbos hurtle around in their juggernauts while talking on mobile phones on more than one occasion. If I could be bothered I would write a letter back to that officious council worker and tell them they should watch out for the garbos and stop worrying about one or two bins on the kerbside.